Confidence in the delivery of the highest quality service for users in the realms of public safety
With the increasing support to the development and deployment of Mission Critical Broadband (LTE-based) networks and services to meet the needs of the different Mission Critical Services stakeholders, there is a need for a formal interoperability testing and certification process to ensure compliance to standards and give end users a seamless service.
Interoperability allows to improve the device ecosystem, and allows connection of mission critical oriented devices to different networks and countries.
GCF and TCCA develop and maintain a certification scheme for Mission Critical Services, focused on 3GPP MCS services, frequency bands and functionalities and priorities required by the mission critical industry. A joint Mission Critical Services Work Stream (MCSWS) is actively maintaining this scheme, open to all stakeholders (Mission Critical Operators, Service Providers and Public Agencies, Device Manufacturers, Mission Critical client and server vendors and Test industry). You can find more information at
GCF device manufacturer and client vendor members can:
- Certify their 3GPP Rel.14 MCPTT clients (standalone or integrated on a certified device)
- Certify their LTE and 5G capable mission critical oriented devices to the available GCF Certification Criteria, to ensure a seamless connection with the targeted networks in the required frequency bands.
- Work with the Mission Critical Services Work Stream to contribute on the evolution of the certification requirement to ensure a seamless interoperability of MCX Services, with a focus on 3GPP-based MCX Services clients (MC-PTT, MC-Video and MC-Data), based on Rel.15 and above.
- Provide input to the MCSWS roadmap.
For Mission Critical-oriented network operators, service providers and public agencies, a specific GCF mission critical operator member category is available.
Technology evolution
As LTE, 5G, Mission Critical Broadband (LTE-based) network deployments and standards-based Mission Critical Services evolve, GCF members can introduce new 3GPP technologies in the Certification Criteria, including new frequency band and carrier aggregation combination requirements to GCF Certification.
The process to evolve the GCF Certification criteria to support new functionalities, frequency bands and releases, is summarized in the following graphic: