C-V2X Certification and the Roadmap to Connected Mobility
Wednesday 6th October 2021, 10am EDT/3pm BST/4pm CEST (online/webinar)
Join GCF and a team of industry experts to learn why certification is key to the effective rollout of C-V2X systems and how it can be implemented successfully now.
The growth of autonomous and semi-autonomous transportation systems will be a key megatrend of this decade. Within this trend, the capabilities of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) will continue to increase and they will become more prevalent. High speed wireless communications between vehicles and infrastructure, especially cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) communications, are crucial to the successful rollout of these advances in automotive systems. And proven interoperability between C-V2X devices is essential to ensure the safety and reliability of all such systems.
The GCF C-V2X Certified virtual event brings together experts from industry bodies, vehicle manufacturers, equipment vendors, test houses and certification authorities to share their knowledge of C-V2X. Topics covered will include the current standards landscape for automotive and C-V2X, the anticipated global market opportunity for connected vehicles, GCF's certification programme for C-V2X which is supported by 5GAA, and how testing and certification will work in practice. The event will conclude with a panel discussion and opportunity for audience questions.
If you are in the business of Intelligent Transportation Systems and want to learn about the progress to full interoperability, take a look at the presentations and panel discussion now.
The full agenda and list of speakers for this 2-hour online GCF Live event can be found here.
On-demand videos of the event presentations and panel discussion can be accessed here (registration required).