Board of Directors
The Board fulfils the statutory obligations of Global Certification Forum (GCF) Ltd and is responsible for the administration and operation of GCF.
Steering Group
The Steering Group (SG) is GCF's body repsonsible for the certification activties and open to all members. The SG oversees the certification activities of GCF and agrees new 'Work Items' that will define new GCF Certification Criteria. GCF's technical work based on the Work Items agreed by the Steering Group is implemented by the agreement groups, work streams and task forces.
Agreement Groups
Conformance Agreement Group (CAG)
- Develops and maintains certification criteria that relate to a product's "conformance" to industry standards
- Tests will typically be validated and run on commercial system simulators
Field Trial & Interoperability Agreement Group (FTAG)
- Develops and maintains criteria Field Trial test scenarios and interoperability use cases
IoT Agreement Group (IAG)
- Focuses on the testing and certification requirements for 'Internet of Things' and IoT devices that make use of mobile connectivity
Performance Agreement Group (PAG)
- Develops and maintains the GCF Performance Metrics programme which:
- Defines standardised methods for reporting on product attributes that do not relate to interoperability complementing GCF certification
Work Streams
Mission Critical Services (MCS WS)
- Enables compliance assessment for the mission critical industry by managing the development of relevant processes and certification content
Connected Vehicles (CV WS)
- Enables compliance assessment for the connected mobility industry by managing the development of relevant processes and certification criteria for a standalone certification program